Alex Czetwertynski Artwork, Curation, Creative DirectionCurrently : Brussels | Belgium
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The Art Directors Club asked me to produce and creative direct the Young Guns event in 2016, which would take place at the ADC venue.   I had also served as a nominator for the Young Guns, and a few of my picks (Ezra Miller, Nonotak, Laila Gohar) had been selected.  It thus made sense to as these artists to create something for the event.  I also enlisted Christine Renee to play music during the event, which was organized as both a party and an award show.

Ezra Miller created some custom software to take a camera feed from the audience and run it through his custom WebGL shaders, using Chrome as a platform.  Laila Gohar created a new installation using potatoes to power three LED fixtures, adjoined by a pile of potato chips.  Nonotak performed their "Late Speculation" piece.

Production : Tom Palmer - PSA Creative

Lighting : Barrett Hall - Magic Hour East

Audio : Jim Toth