Alex Czetwertynski Artwork, Curation, Creative DirectionCurrently : Brussels | Belgium
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First Light was presented at Mana Contemporary from October 2018 to February 2019.  

Throughout my residency at Mana Contemporary I had been exploring the conditions of possibility of digital imagery in the fashion of a mythological exploration, a return to a mythical origin, as if it could precede time.  Light, color, electricity all appeared to me as invisible spirits powering our image making abilities, but never revealing themselves, except for the moments when they break down and require attention.  

These "archaic" elements are like air, only noticeable when it becomes scarce, but nevertheless essential.   My interest in not in these elements as pure essences, rather as conditions of possibility for image making, revealing the deep foundation an image relies on to exist, and thus showing that an image can never be resolved only in its appearance, but rather requires an appreciation of its deepest “technical” (i.e essential) origin